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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  November 7, 2013 1:00am-2:00am EST

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a key moment for him and his political future. if this is the we he handles pressure, that is probably a good thing to know about him now. probably better we learn the fact about him now than some time in the future. time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. have a great night. last night voters delivered a message that was bad for the tea party and good for hillary clinton. >> it is the day after. >> the election results are in. >> message is sent. >> to night you isn't a message. >> were voters really sending a message to the tea party? >> has the tea party lost it? >> tonight you sent a message. >> lost some of its influence. >> surprise of the night. the nail biter in virginia. >> republican ken cuccinelli. >> to night you isn't a message to the president of the united states. >> virginia turned into a proxy fight. >> a swing state. >> republicans had to work extra
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hard. >> 48% of voters blame republicans. >> for the government shutdown. >> the shutdown was magnificent. run beautifully. i am so proud of the republicans. >> the impact of the obama care debate in yesterday's election. >> obama care is a failure. >> get ready for this. >> kathleen sebelius is back on capitol hill. how long can a hot seat stay hot? >> obama care is a failure. >> when you look at what happened last night. >> republicans ha to work extra hard. >> were voters really sending a message? >> big questions remain. >> there is a lot to digest over this. >> the civil war within the republican party continues to rage. ♪ the republican establishment is fighting back against the two party attempts to take over the republican party. and last night, the republican establishment won.
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>> i'll tell you it is a shame what happened to ken cuccinelli because -- he was betrayed bay his own party. >> in virginia, a weak democratic candidate beat a much weaker and crazy sounding tea party candidate, ken cuccinelli. today a disappointed rush limbaugh let his audience in on the dirty little secret of that campaign. >> shea didn't want him to win. this is the dirty little secret. not like it is a secret now. such is the animus towards the tea party. in the republican party establishment. that they are, i am telling you, they're perfectly comfortable with a christie win and a cuccinelli loss because to them that's a tea party loss. now the republican establishment can run around. and claim the tea party is an albatross around their neck. >> the republican establishment won the nomination for the congressional seat in the solidly congressional district
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in alabama. bradley burn beat dean young 52% to 47%. dean young who says he fears the end of a western christian empire, refused to call the winner to concede defeat and vowed not to support the republican in the general election. >> the establishment, republicans, did everything they could, they poured all of their money into it. and they barely, barely, beat you guys. >> joining me now, howard dean, former democratic national committee chairman and current dnc chair. congressman, debbie wasserman schultz, author "for the next generation "a wake-up call to solving our nation's problems. >> chairwoman, how did you like the results last night? >> oh, i was pretty happy with the results. >> who were you really rooting for in that first congressional
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district in alabama? did you want the -- the more reasonable republicans to win? >> what i am rooting for we make sure we continue to make gains in alabama and we can elect democrats. that's what i am rooting for. look, at the end of the day, the civil war rages on within the republican party. the tee party is winning. they brought us to the brink of economic disaster. the tail is wagging the dog in the house of representatives and the senate. that civil war is going to continue. it is really horribly damaged the republican brand. and this, you know, the rebranding that my counterpart has desperately clawing at to try to make. not working out so well if you lack at results from last night particularly in virginia. >> howard dean, the republican establishment has finally found both its voice and its tactics.
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pouring money into the races that they were not really fighting in the past. >> it is very interesting. if you look at the voting record from the two candidates in alabama. i bet you there is not a dime's worth of difference a year from now in terms of what would happen to either one of them. the real war is not the civil war of the republican party. the war on women. i thought the extraordinary thing last night was the gender gap in virginia. had it not been for women voters none of the three top candidates, attorney general, lieutenant-governor, and governor elect mcauliffe. a nice ring to it. >> it does. >> not any would have won. women have had it with this stuff. i was in kansas. a couple days ago. women were standing up for their right to make up their own mind and not have a whole group of people, which is the right wing of the republican party, put them back in the kitchen where they were 150 years ago. unbelievable. >> what are the real differences between lose ken cuccinelli and winner chris christie on issues important to women?
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i don't mean the crazy stuff that is now -- the question of anti-sodomy laws in virginia which the supreme court took care of. even, doesn't matter what cuccinelli thinks of that. in practical governing terms. what's the difference between cuccinelli and christie on the issues. >> really, nothing. if you drill down into chris christie's victory. it was a victory for chris christie. that's pretty much it. he has an outside personality. no question about that. people are grateful to him the i am from a state where i under stand, gratefulness after a governor has, you know come in and, helped, their people after a natural disaster look hurricane sandy was. look at the results, the rest of the state. the state senate, despite millions of dollars being poured in. didn't lose a single seat in the state senate. the voters passed it in new jersey last night. you have a regard he can't brag
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about. the highest foreclosure rate in the country. in terms of issues important to women. and middle-class, working families. chris christie is wrong on every single one of the issues. >> the mayor of herschellville, endorsed terry mcauliffe. he said, "our party in many respects in virginia has been taken over by a side show, the party of the reagans big tent, has been reduced by some to a dunce cap." we can do better than that. >> interesting how, sure i will get hate tweets saying this. there is a similarity -- what's a hate tweet? >> i have never gotten one of those. >> so, so. they interestingly made the republicans on the right. are making the mistake that the islamic brotherhood made in egypt. they get in. and they only focus on social
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issues. they don't do anything about jobs. the reason that morsi want down, was because the public wanted jobs. all they were talking about, repression for religious reasons. these guys are talking about repression for whatever their reason is. they didn't talk about jobs. in fact they didn't deliver jobs. so i think one of the messages here. just saw on rachel's show. the rson i help to be next governor of wisconsin. she will focus on jobs. what the republicans keep talking about. they never deliver on jobs. things get worse. that's a fact. >> go ahead. >> the governor is absolutely right. last night's election in virginia was the result of -- terry mcauliffe focusing on what people care about. creating jobs. investing in education. helping people join the ranks of the middle-class. ken cuccinelli. as a disciple of the tea party
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leadership obsessively focused on government invasiveness in women's health care. and, in addition to that. take a look at the turnout of african-americans in virginia. pundits predicted, tea party certainly hoped for a much lower turnout of african-americans thought we wouldn't replicate the ground game in 2012, 2008. we did. 20% of the electorate, last night. yesterday in virginia was african-american. terry mcauliffe elected governor on the shoulders of virginia women and voters. >> president obama went there to drive out the vote? >> he did. it was very interesting. one thing that is disappointing, the legislature. we had seven seats that were within 100 or so, 200 votes. and we may turn some of those around. people don't know this. but about 13,000 provisional ballots were cast. they give you an opportunity to
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cast a provisional ballot the you have to show up, show the id, whatever it is. one of the things i hope listeners and watchers on your show. if you know some body in virginia, cast the ballot. get them validate it. for example in northern virginia, lost to a long term incumbent. that could be overturned. >> ken cuccinelli mentioned, what he calls of course, obama care in his concession speech last night. let's listen to that. we said this race was a referendum on obama care. although i lost. tonight you sent ape message to the president of the united states. that you believe -- that virginia understands that obama care is a failure and that you want to be in charge of your health care and not the
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government. >> despite being outspent by an unprecedented $15 million, this race came down to the wire. because of obama care. >> exit polls in a race that the democrat won, show that 46% of the virginia voters support the affordable care act. with 53% saying they oppose. with that electorate, the democrat still won the governorship. awe cuccinelli made it a referendum. terry mcauliffe was elected governor. end of the day, look at the way the numbers have shifted in the affordable care act approval. particularly since the shutdown that was forced by the tea party. they tried to hold the economy hostage. and the affordable care act numbers improved among voters because the mr. they understand the more they're getting the benefits, the better life they light.
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>> i think the big thing with affordable care act. people are well beyond. let's repeal it. except for the tea party. what they want is to, okay, let's, going to be problems here. we have seen the problems with the website. make it work. because there are real people out there now seeing that they can get health care much cheaper and better. >> we are going to cover later in the show, kathleen sebelius' testimony. >> howard dean, and congresswoman. thank you for joining us. time to plan to beat chris christie and republicans are planning the very same thing. and rand paul is back in the rewrite. rand paul famously opposed to government funding of just about everything. but he remains strongly in favor of government funded plagiarism. he is refusing to fire the plagiarists on his senate staff whose salaries are of course paid by your tax dollars.
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>> they're still counting provisional votes in virginia. it is still too close to call in the race for attorney general of virginia. according to the website of the state board of elections as of 10:00 p.m., state senator mark obenshain leading, mark herring by 681 votes out of 2 million cast. virginia officials are examining provisional ballots before announcing. the loser can request a recount on november 25th. if the democrat wins this would be the first time democrats control all five major statewide elective offices since 1970. up next, the christie file. how the democrats will campaign against chris christie if he becomes the next republican nominee for president.
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>> 2016 is hillary's time. run, hillary, run. if you run you will win.
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and we will all win. >> that was new york senator chuck schumer in iowa. this was chris christie today. >> someone asks you if you're going to be a candidate for president of the united states and you're in politics -- you're in politics, stop annoying me and asking me if i am going to be leader of the free world. anybody who says that is lying, lying -- it's not annoying. you know it's -- it's an indication from at least a person who asked the question that they think you are doing well enough that you might be worthy of consideration for the most important leadership job in this country. if you're burdened by that get out of the business. >> exit polls, new jersey voters said clearly that they would choose hillary clinton over chris christie for president.
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but some republicans are hoping that voters never get that choice. >> i don't know what the big appeal of christie, just based on the record is. it is hardly an economic boom or turn around in the state of new jersey. i can tell you that. you have so many people celebrating the christie win as the road to the future. what does that tell you? for one. i'm tired of the media picking the candidate for us. they're trying to do it here. >> the anti-christie wing, with radio microphones is formulating their talking points. chris christie's new role as chair will help him get a head start in key primary states. "the new york times" reports,
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christie will be appearing frequently in ohio, michigan, and florida, all states with republican governors up for re-election next year. he told south carolina republican he's wants to help senator lindsay graham. and today, the republican party in new hampshire, the nation's first primary state of course, announced it is hiring chris christie's former regional political director as new hampshire's new republican party executive director. >> joining me now, the national affairs editor for "new york" magazine. and author of "double down" most publicized book in american history. joining me, the huffington post's sam stein. john, in this book, there is plenty of material about the vetting of chris christie as a possible vice presidential candidate. and we're going to be seeing a lot of that material as the he moves into a presidential
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campaign. >> you know there is a lot of stuff in the christie record, governor christie has been asked, the publication of the book. he says it's all out there. >> examples. >> there is a great example of something in the public record. i bet 95% of the national voters, national media. for a period of time. chris christie was when he was a lobbyist. many people didn't know he was a lobbyist. to try off to keep financial fraud crimes out of the new jersey state consumer protection law. at the time when he was lobbying for the sia, chairman was bernie madoff. now for the romney vetters, they liked at that and said a 30-second ad waiting to happen. bernie madoff's lobbyist paired with mitt romney. a problem. right. that's in public record. not a secret. but something. >> i am learning it for the first team now. >> most people in national politics don't know which --
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what it goes to. on question, he has a brother has a settlement with the sec, civil matter there are controversies around. er use about his spending as a u.s. attorney. investigated by the, department of justice inspector general and was slapped pretty hard for exceeding spending limits he was supposed to, abide by. a lot of things. matters of public record. his health. there were issues. the head vetter, said if he is not giving us the information. is there any smoking gun. maybe not. the totality of that, the questions, unanswered questions. unexploded landmines was way too much for him to take on. and the vice presidential possibility.
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chris christie has gotten a lot of attention from the national press. attention you get when you are a national candidate. a lot has been out there from the 2009 governor's race. romney said, being a vice presidential candidate. presidential candidate you get vetted. chris christie has not had to with stand that. he soon will. >> sam stein, a lot of 30-second commercials in the stuff john hilman is talking about. attack ad. what about on the approximately see front. first talk about chris christie what he would expect to confront as difficulties within a republican primary race on policy. and then, how would it work for him in the general election against hillary clinton? >> well i think the hurdles are immense you. can start with obama care. chris christie as governor accepted medicaid expansion that
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will not play well with the republican primary voters. he has spoken on favor of the assault weapons ban. he is receptive off to immigration reform. things look those. but primarily. i think the main hurdle he will have. you can correct me if you think i am wrong. he has been cooperative with barack obama that. took place after the touchdown of hurricane sandy. for a lot of conservatives, including rush limbaugh should mention, the media shouldn't pick candidates. he is a member of the candidates. rush limbaugh and others that was a problem. he was there with president obama up to the election date in the aftermath of hurricane sandy. a hurdle that will be immense for him when he goes through the republican prescribe marry process. >> hillary clinton as the democratic nominee as against possibly a christie nominee. what would that look like? what would the him ear campaign be pointing out about christie? >> huh, well, what are we three years ahead of ourselves here. >> it's the way you do things,
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sam. >> got to get with the program. i think for starters. new jersey's economic situation is not something to write. tough on teachers, teacher unions. he is brash, abrasive. make no mistake about it. if you talk to any sane democratic strategist right now. they would say, very, they would be, forth coming about it. they think chris christie is the strongest candidate they would have to go against in a general election. hillary or any one else. >> sam stein. thank you for joining us. and john hileman, stick around. much more gold in here we will talk about. just amazing stuff. including what was happening backstage at the republican national convention when clint eastwood was on stage. and, rand paul is of course back in the rewrite tonight. rachel developed a theory that
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rand paul might not know what plagiarism is. not the first time. will not be the last time. we have to kid the question -- is rand paul lying? or is he just not quite, you know, bright enough to understand the issue? dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, pleeeeease??? tickets? hmm, sure. how many? well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage.
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introducing the 2014 s-class. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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>> so any way, we are going to have -- we're going to have a little chat about that.
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and then, i, i just wondered, all of these promises. and then i wondered about -- you know when, when, when the -- what? what do you want me to tell romney? i can't tell him to do that. he can't do that to himself. you are absolutely crazy. you are getting as bad as biden. >> and it got much worse from there. john, this book which i love, has the story that we were wondering abut that night. it has the story of what was happening backstage while that was happening on stage at the republican convention. >> it does. it's one of the stories. try to do this throughout the book.
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take big public moments. tell you what was going on behind the scenes. you had clint eastwood hadn't been allowed to go on stage, hollywood star. mitt romney met him a few weeks earlier. >> star struck. politicians are. we didn't have many hollywood guys on our side. get eastwood to come. kept getting eastwood to tell them. didn't know. refused. didn't feel like they could stand up to him. he is clint eastwood. he ends up hearing the neil diamond song, i am i said. i heard it all, not even a chair. he is standing back there before his speech. watching everyone sing the praises of romney. being a hollywood star. i want to do something different. summons a chair. put it out there. gets out there does a riff. inspired by neil diamond, bob newhart, the romney team. governor romney says to stewart
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stevens this is weird, did you practice this? stevens is trying to stay cool. romney about to give a speech. no, no, it's fine. stewart stevens head is exploding. he leaves the room. goes next door and vomits. the rest of the romney team in the hall. >> he doesn't just vomit. according to doubling down, page 375, he, he, he attempted to calm down. he keeps going, he weeps. stewart stephens is throwing things. howling, cursing and weeping. until he dropped his head into his hands. that is life backstage at the republican convention. with clint eastwood. >> before romney's big speech. the primary author of the speech. he realized this is the biggest moment, biggest moment that you,
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under your control for the rest of the general election. for some people, very, like some of the people in the romney campaign. this is nuts. can't let any body go on stage without a script. he was overruled. allowed him to do the thing. the fear stevens all emotional reactions was about this would overshadow the speech. it all turned out to be true. the next day when no one talked about romney's speech and talked clint eastwood. >> there is tremendous drama here on the obama side of the campaign. especially when we get to the debate stage. president obama does not turn in the performance in the first debate that people were expecting. it becomes fascinating the way you approach the second debate. change the debate prep. the president gets to the point where he doesn't think he can do it.
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>> an amazing thing. one of the most fascinating things. the team telling democrats everything will be fine. and looking at the research. saying basically we are not losing vote share. tighter now. still okay. but they all knew he had to perform well in the second debate. changed up the debate prep. then in, 48 hours before the debate, the president suffers an epic collapse in one of his mock debates with john kerry. worse in denver. worse than anything. making progress. suddenly regresses. saying to his colleagues if he gives that performance we will lou the election. they stage an intervention. that's what they called it. the next morning. david axelrod, and the debate coach. four people. normally the room was filled with people. president walks in. just the guys. hey, where is everybody. intervention time? mr. president, we have got to
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have a more radical, on going discussion what is going on here. you are not improving enough. if you do what you did last night we could win the election? >> he opened up, psychological processes, the way he feels he has to explain things. that's what puts him in the slow patches. >> his lawyerly mind. he basically says to them. quote him saying, i am not wired in the way this kind of event requires. the theatrics of politics, barack obama has been averse to that. at this moment, it, he. >> paralyzed by it. >> greatest theatrical performers in politics we ever had doesn't like that part of it. when confronted in this -- crucial moment. it comes down he says i am wired in a different way than this event requires. he then pause in the book and says i just don't know if i can
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do this. the guy better at it than anybody else. >> all four guys in the room when he said that. had the same thought. we are in unchartered territory. three weeks from election day. 36 hours from the most crucial debate. we aren't having a conversation, we are having a crisis the president is deeply doubting his performance skills in some sense even the agenda he is running on. he says you keep telling me talk about my plans for the future. we haven't run on that. i didn't hatch that much to say. >> one of them. ron klein, experienced in debate prep was glad they reached this moment. he felt overconfidence was the worst thing for president obama going in. a better posture. >> this was an acknowledgement he had to change in a fundamental way. over 36 hours they changed his debate prep again.
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and the president was finally able to get across the psychic chasm and perform as they put it, rob klein's, fast and hammy. speed up. be a performer. president obama embraced that. was able to win the second deep bait. >> co-author of "double down" favorite book holding mine hand right now. of all the books on the set. favorite book ever. >> that's enough for us. enough for us. >> i love this book. yes you can use, i love this book, lawrence o'donnell on the next full page in "the new york times." >> coming up. >> no royalty thousands. >> a journalism professor at rand paul's college has pronounced ron paul guilty of plagiarism. ♪
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>> i think we have been sloppy and will be more precise in the future. >> rand paul desperately trying to rewrite his plagiarism scandal into a hacks and haters scandal. hacks and haters, rand paul calls the people who exposed his plagiarism including our own rachel maddow who got the whoa thing started last monday this way. >> rand paul's speech today was ripped off wikipedia. this is weird up there reading wikipedia off the teleprompter. >> followed by buzzfeed, adding items to the plagiarism file including other speeches where rand paul's speech writers listed word for word, lifted word for word from wikipedia and
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reports showing entire sections of a "the washington times" op-ed writ be in rand paul were lifted word for word from an article written just one week earlier. yesterday, "the washington times" announced the paper and rand paul mutually agreed to end his weekly doll up. buzzfeed found evidence that three pages of rand paul's latest book were directly lifted from conservative think-tank's documents. another entire section of the same book was lifted nearly word for word from a forbes article. last week, rachel fleeted the theory that rand paul maybe doesn't know what plagiarism is. this is not the first or last time we will be faced with this question. is rand paul lying? or is he just not quite, you know, smart enough off to understand the issue.
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and that we will probably always be evidence for each of those possibilities. when it comes to rand paul to. day rand paul said this about the hacks and haters who have exposed his trafficking in journalism. if i were their journalism teacher in college. i would fail them. here is what a journalism teacher at rand paul's college said today about rand paul's plagiarism. robert darden associate professor at the journalism school. said had one of my journalism students made the same mistakes i would fail them for each individual assignment and refer the case to the appropriate university office that deals with honor code violations. rand paul was a graduate student at duke university. whose plagiarism policy includes this. ignorance of what constitutes academic dishonesty is no excuse for actions which violate the integrity of the community. duke university cares a lot about the integrity of the community. duke failed miserably in trying
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to teach rand paul to respect the integrity of the community. the senator recently offered this reminiscence of his days at duke. >> i never, ever cheated. i don't condone cheating. i would some times spread misinformation. this is a great tactic. misinformation can beep very important. one time in the library spreading for a path test. we spread a rumor, that we knew about the test. it was all about liver. vast majority of question as but liver. we tried to trick our competing students into over studying for the liver, not including for the kidney. i advice. misinformation works. >> misinformation works. that was rand paul's can tri bugs to the integrity of the community at duke. misinformation works could maybe, almost, kind of, be -- a
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fun little story, coming from some one whose integrity was above. it remains unclear if rand paul knows the deaf -- definition of plagiarism. rand paul's staff is acting as if they know what plagiarism is. the transcript of one speech of rand paul's, rand paul's senate website has been updated to include footnotes other tranripts hatch been scrubbed from his website and that in future additions of rand paul any latest book his publisher will add attribution to the several pages of material that were lifted from other sources. but senator paul has the not made the most important change that he should be making after getting caught with plagiarism
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in his books and teleprompters. remember that rand paul is a senator. which means he did not write the book, he published last year. include plagiarism. he did not write the speeches the he has been given, include plagiarized passages. he has the writers. rand paul told "the new york times," how his writing gets done. things are done quickly in a hour reap. some times i get some things sent to me giving a speech looking down at my phone, saying read this for approval in 20 minutes. i literally am riding in a car in between things trying to figure out if i can approve it. okay. that is the way all senators get their writing done. their staffs write stuff. and the senators approve it. and the senators are always riding in cars approving speeches on the fly. but rand paul -- is the only one of our hundred senators who
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stand accused and convicted of plagiarism tonight because rand paul employs pathetic plagiarists to write speeches, articles and books. rand paul doesn't employ them, he hires them. they're paid by the federal government. which means you are paying the salaries of rand paul's plagiarists. the speeches that he gives as a united states senator are written at public expense. by speech writers on rand paul's united states senate payroll. this is tax funded plagiarism we're talking abut here. and no one -- no one -- has been fired for it. rand paul has some very lazy plagiarists on the senate payroll and rand paul himself is too lazy or too ignorant or too disrespectful about the use of our tax dollars to do anything about them.
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he was very reluctant to fire the ghost writer of one of his earlier books on the senate payroll, a man on record as strongly supporting the assassination of president abraham lincoln. he was allowed to resign with honor. from the rand paul world. rand paul told the new york time that there will be quote, a restructuring. end quote in his office to prevent future plagiarism. he insisted to "the new york times," no staff members would be fired. so rand paul its harboring the laziest, stupidest plagiarists in senate history and making you pay the plagiarists salaries. rand paul who hates government funded anything is completely cool with government funded plagiarism.
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>> the affordable care act and kathleen sebelius had a good day in a senate hearing. that's next. [ female announcer ] make every smile a 3d white smile with crest 3d white toothpaste. it removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. unleash your smile with crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up with a whiter smile.
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be had out there, choice and competition. where people can save money for a better product, except, too many folks haven't been able to get through the website. nothing is going to stop us from getting this done. because, we're on the right side of history. it is the right thing to do. the right thing to do for our economy, businesses and our family. >> president obama went to dallas today to thank volunteers helping people learn about and get health insurance through affordable care act. while health and human services kathleen sebelius want to capitol hill to update the senate finance committee members on the progress being made in fixing the website. >> in the first few weeks after launched people had to wait 8 second. today, less than a second. a month ago, viewing and filtering took minutes to. day it takes second. users are receiving far fewer error and timeouts. and we're table to process
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17,000 registrants per hour with almost no errors. 2 million people have called into the call center with average wait times of less than 30 second. >> toward end of the hearing, senior republican, orrin hatch of utah slipped off the republican talking points. >> look, we are not in it to just give you a rough time. we are in it to try to hopefully get it right. >> i would love to work with-up to get it right. >> joining me senior editor for the new republic. jonathan, the secretary had real progress to report today? >> there was a little progress. the treatment she got from senate republicans was a lot more cordial and less hysterical than what she got from house republicans. the quote that you played. there were a few other versions of that. one of first times we have heard republicans say we want to talk about working to fix the
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problems in the law rather than just repealing it. you know, i don't know if it would say it was a good day for her. you know the website is still, got problems. she took a lot of flag from the republicans. compared to last week she had more progress to report. thought i thought she had a better time. >> let's listen to what the president said in texas about medicaid. >> one of the things that sometimes gets me a little frustrated although i understand it, i am in politics. is folks who -- are -- are complaining abut how the website is not working. why isn't obama fixing this. all the people are uninsured. yet they're leaving a million people right now without health insurance. that they could immediately fix. there is not a lot of logic to that. >> john than, that's the president's frustration.
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is that, states like texas and others not using the medicaid piece. which is working fine. was in the original design going to pick up most of the uninsured. >> you know it's -- medicaid piece is one of the great underappreciated pieces of this law. i was actually glad to hear the president draw high light to it. you know we are talking. we get all publicity about the problems with the website. and, you know people getting cancellation notices. look those are real stories. we have several million people will get insurance through the medicaid expansion. you have governors like rick perry. lawmakers, in the state preventing their citizens from being able to take advantage of this. even though the federal government is picking up most of the cause. it is really horrible. good to see this getting attention it deserves as a good news story.


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